Who can participate?

Anyone age 30 and under are eligible to compete (unless specific event specifies otherwise), and must first sign up to be a member of IAYSP and learn the YSP Peace Perspective (through the video below) before sending in submissions.

*In order to submit for any of the S!NERGY competitions posted on the website, participants must go to the YSP members’ home area. If you are not a member with an account, please join HERE.

Submitting a Presentation

If there is a S!NERGY event being hosted you would like to participate in be sure to submit the following to the email that is designated for the event or fill in the required fields of an online submission form.

1.) Submit a 3-4 minute version of a video recording of your presentation slides with your voice speaking as the slides move. (This can be done with a zoom account or PowerPoint program)

2.) Include an attachment of your presentation script and slide presentation.

3.) In the body of the email write your full name, age, City, State and phone number (these fields will be asked in an online submission form)

4.) If you are submitting a presentation as a group, please choose one representative to speak and record the presentation whom you would want to present for the live competition. Having multiple team members speak in the presentation is accepted, but must still stay within the time limit for the submission and live presentation.

The submissions will be reviewed by a committee and the top submissions then move on to be presented live on stage or live online for the S!NERGY event. These live presentations need to be 7-10 minutes long and be on the topic of the theme decided for the specific S!NERGY event. There are Local, National, Regional and International level S!NERGY events that can be participated in.

Example submission video (from S!nergy in Japan)


Participants may submit multiple presentations to the same competition, but only one submitted from the same person can be chosen.

  • The same presentation can be submitted to different S!NERGY Competitions as long as they are not of the same level (i.e. Local, State, National). Local level S!NERGYs are usually hosted by a local YSP chapter in partnership with a city, school or organization. A State level S!NERGY would be open to multiple cities/counties within a state.

  • Note: all these rules apply only if you placed and won a grant from the S!NERGY event, not if you just submitted a recording.

  • All National S!NERGY competitions are shown on this website. Participants cannot enter the same presentation to multiple National S!NERGY competitions listed above (excluding S!NERGY x USA that leads to the International Competition), but the same presenter is allowed to enter a different presentation to all National level competitions.

  • S!NERGY x USA is an annual competition where the winner will go on to compete on the Regional and International level competitions. The presentation rule to enter this specific National competition is if you did not win 1st place in the previous year’s S!NERGY x USA competition. You are allowed to enter this competition even if you entered one of the other National Level S!NERGYs and won a grant.


• Presenter must be age 16-30 and have learned the YSP Peace Perspective (watch video below)

• Content should be a proposal of a project or idea to create peace and a better society

• Submission presentation needs to be about 4 minutes or less

• Clearly states the issue you are trying to address

• Clearly states your proposal to address the issue

• Share a personal connection with the issue and how it affects you and others

• Supports at least one Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

• Has a clear theme and is related to the theme indicated for the event

• Keep slides simple and clean

• Do not use copyrighted images

• Make sure any facts are accurate

• Use clear, readable fonts for your slides

Presentations will be judged on:

  • Inspiration (heart, spirit, emotion, energy)

  • Content (importance, urgency, and feasibility)

  • Delivery (quality of slides, voice articulation)