Home Bound Service during Social Distancing


Finding ways to continue doing service projects during the Coronavirus social distancing can be challenging, but can be a way to become creative and innovative. To encourage young people in communities to still find ways to serve, Youth and Students for Peace started an online challenge for people to do an act of service for their family or housemates while being homebound. 

From March 23-29, 2020 those who participated posted on Facebook and Instagram various acts of serving another. There were many posts from simple acts of giving a parent a massage, baking dessert for the family, and even serving their pet as a family member/housemate to finding ways to help those outside of their household with neighborhood litter cleaning and making cloth masks for hospitals. Through these simple acts, no matter how small, we can still practice living for the sake of another, which is the essence of service and creating sustainable peace. 

At the end of the week two winners were chosen for consistency and noteworthy services posted on social media with the #homeboundactsofservice.  

If you missed the chance to participate in the Home Bound Acts of Service Challenge it is being continued! This time we are encouraging people to find more ways to serve the greater community from home. Click on the Event Link for all the details.